Category: Intellectual History

Marot’s rejoinder to Pirani

John Marot defends his review from author Simon Pirani’s criticisms.

Simon Pirani replies to review by John Marot

Simon Pirani challenges John Marot’s review of his book on early Soviet Russia.


Early Criticism of the October Revolution

John Marot critically reviews a collection of essays written by Communist dissidents in 1920-22 in opposition to the New Economic Policy, translated by Simon Pirani.

Reply to Janette Habel and Michael Löwy

Che Guevara and Socialist Democracy

Samuel Farber defends his critique of Che Guevara as an anti-democratic figure that undermined the socialist cause in Cuba.

Against Samuel Farber’s Biased Approach

Janette Habel and Michael Löwy defend the political and intellectual legacy of Che Guevara as a Marxist, against Samuel Farber’s critique.

The Nature of Neoliberalism

What can we learn about neoliberalism from Neil Davidson’s new book?

Charles Post assesses Neil Davidson’s posthumous book on neoliberalism, which makes a key contribution to the Marxist analysis of contemporary capitalism.


Russia’s Anti-capitalist Intelligentsia

Peter Ranis reviews Ilya Budraitskis’s book on the history of left dissidents in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.

A Century Since the March on Rome

Fascism, Past and Present

Historian Stéfanie Prezioso traces the rise of revisionist historiography on Italian fascism.

On the Eve of National Elections, Looking Backward

Italy’s Rising Black Tide, A Creeping Counter-Revolution

On September 25 Italy will hold elections following the resignation of Prime Minister Pario Draghi and the concern is palpable.

The Imaginative Dialectic in the Novels of Victor Serge

A discussion of Victor Serge’s novels and how literature can enrich revolutionary socialist politics.

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 4

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 4.

Their Values and Ours: The Debate over Western Values and the Values of the Socialist Left

Where does the Left stand and where should it stand on this question of “Western values”?

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 3

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 3.

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 2

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 2.

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice. Part 1

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 1.


Marx’s Last Years Explored

Karl Marx’s last years, when he famously failed to complete all the volumes of Capital, were for a long time viewed as a period of illness and even senescence, even though he was only 64 years old at his death . . .

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The Centrality of Dialectics in Marxist Theory and Politics

Kevin B. Anderson’s1 latest offering, Dialectics of Revolution, brings forward diverse perspectives on the concept of dialectics that have been discussed over the past two centuries. Beginning from Hegel, Anderson extends the discussion to Marx and then further on to . . .

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What Is Social Reproduction Theory Trying to Explain?

Ferguson lays out the issues, doesn’t hide behind political labels, and advances a sophisticated analysis that crystallizes some contemporary thinking.


Half-Apology for Apartheid?

Linfield’s The Lions’ Den reads like an intervention toward holding back the encouraging tide of pro-Palestinian awareness.

Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom, & Pseudo-Populist Authoritarianism

Remer analyzes far-right politics in light of Erich Fromm’s psychoanalytic theory.

Psychoanalysis for Collective Liberation

A Review of Erich Fromm’s Critical Theory

Erich Fromm (1900-1980) was a humanistic psychoanalyst, writer, and activist influenced by the theories of Marx and Freud, though critical of both.
