- From the Editors
- The Left and the Environmental Crisis
- The Left and the Environment, Nancy Holmstrom
- Economic and Ecological Transformation—There Is No Alternative, Jill Stein
- Shadow Socialism, Christian Parenti
- The Myths of “Green Capitalism,” Brian Tokar
- Ecosocialism: Putting on the Brakes Before Going Over the Cliff, Michael Löwy
- An Open Letter to the Climate Justice Movement, Robin Hahnel
- Economic and Ecological Crisis in Greece: The Global Context and Syriza’s Solution, Natassa Romanou
- In the Shadow of the Manhattan Project, Darryl Lorenzo Wellington
- Europe: Women, Austerity, and Politics
- Women In Erdogan’s Turkey, Özlem İlyas Tolunay
- Women and Austerity in Britain, Susan Pashkoff
- Italy After Berlusconi, Stefanie Prezioso
- Articles
- “Nothing Is Too Good for the Working Class”: Classical Music, the High Arts, and Workers’ Culture, John Halle
- Deutscher and the Jews: On the Non-Jewish Jew—An Analysis and Personal Reflection, Samuel Farber
- Sabaneta to Miraflores: Afterlives of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, Susan Spronk and Jeffrey R. Webber
- Book Reviews
- Canadian Labor Politics—A Personal View, Sid Shniad, review of Benjamin Isitt, Militant Minority: British Columbia Workers and the Rise of a New Left, 1948-1972
- Pussy Riot, Karie A. Gubbins, review of Stephen Morgan, Pussy Riot vs. Putin: Revolutionary Russia
- The Arab Revolutions: The Game’s Not Over Yet, Kit Wainer, review of Gilbert Achcar, The People Want
- Bolshevism in Yiddish, Peter Drucker, review of Elissa Bemporad, Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk
- The Leninist Model, Kent Worcester, review of Dave Renton, Socialism from Below
- Getting Marx Backwards, Gregory Smulewicz-Zucker, review of Jonathan Sperber, Karl Marx: A Nineteenth Century Life
- Double Secret Privatization, Kenzo Shibata, review of Lawrence Wittner, What’s Going on at Uaardvark?
- Words and Pictures
- Amy Pryor, Kent Worcester