New Politics Vol. XVI No. 4, Whole Number 64
Category: Uncategorized
- From the Editors
- Symposium: Socialists, Democrats, the Working Class, and our Future
- The Two Souls of Democratic Socialism, Kim Moody
- Fighting for the Soul of Socialism: A Response to Kim Moody, Amelia Dornbush, Luke Elliott-Negri & Sam Lewis
- Independent Politics Doesn’t Start with Walling Off the Democrats, Michael Hirsch
- Kim Moody Replies, Kim Moody
- Articles
- Trump and Labor, Dan La Botz
- The Environmental Justice Movement In South Baltimore, Nicole Fabricant
- Cuban Civil Society: Its Present Panorama, Armando Chaguaceda and Lennier Lopez
- Stalinism: The Complete Negation of Socialism, Thomas Harrison
- The Third Camp, Socialism from Below, and the First Principle of Revolutionary Socialism, Daniel Randall
- Neo-Stalinism: The Achilles Heel of the Peace Movement and the American Left, Julius Jacobson, Introduction by Aaron Amaral
- Obituaries: Joanne Landy, 1941-2017
- Remembering Joanne, Thomas Harrison
- Wholly Dedicated to Socialism from Below, Aaron Amaral
- Words & Pictures
- Cartoon Cavalcade, Kent Worcester
- Reviews
- Comic Art in the Academy, Paul Buhle Review of Hillary L. Chute, Disaster Drawn: Visual Witness, Comics and Documentary Form
- On the 150th Anniversary of Marx’s Das Kapital: Exploitation and Modes of Production, Nancy Holmstrom
- The Misrule of Global Capitalism, Martin Oppenheimer Review of Dale Johnson, Social Inequality, Economic Decline, and Plutocracy, An American Crisis
- Keynes, the Rabble, and Revolution, John Lepley Review of Geoff Mann, In the Long Run We Are All Dead: Keynesianism, Political Economy, and Revolution
- Socialism or Ecocide, Jason Schulman Review of Michael Löwy, Ecosocialism